Several outstanding people fueled my #SciFund Challenge project, “Squirrel-Snake Face Off!” After 45 days of being posted on the RocketHub website, my project raised a total of $899. This money will help provide room and board to undergraduate research assistants next summer. The contributions will help us form a better understanding of predator-prey interactions, and co-evolution. I am grateful to the following people:
Jarret Byrnes
Emily Taylor
Gretchen Anderson
Dennis and Valarie Clark
Miriam Goldstein
John Murphy
Mike Cardwell
Bernd Wolff
N. Beeznas
Robert Hastings
Karl Pietrzak
Stephen Mercer
The Putmans
Wendy Matthews
Jason Held
Mark Tsang
The Saharguns
Melissa Amarello (check out and support her crowd-funding project here)
Overall, the #SciFund Challenge, which brought together 50 international scientists to post their research projects on RocketHub, raised a total of $76,230 for scientific research! There were over 1,400 donors!